Introductions + Why GIS?

Rachel Franklin

Newcastle University


  • Who am I?
  • Who are you?

Agenda for today

  • Why GIS for economic geography and regional science?
    • Research example: depopulation
  • The basics of GIS
    • Why do we need a GIS?
    • What is a GIS?
    • Visualizing data in a GIS
    • Finding spatial data
  • A few more examples

An example: US depopulation

What are the pathways of population change across the U.S.?

Analytical steps

Analytical steps



Results: Persistent Loss Counties

Some takeaways

  • Understanding local population change requires a contextual approach, such as the historical patterns of change and the experiences of surrounding regions
  • Our typology approach, which groups the patterns of population changes for both individual areas and their neighboring regions over a span of 70 years, provides a detailed understanding of how depopulation has spatially unfolded in the United States
  • GIS underpins this analysis, even if methods are more geographic data science

Thinking spatially

Common kinds of spatial questions

  • How does a variable or phenomenon vary over space (e.g. income)? (Can be answered with a map)
  • How does distance to university influence innovation or entrepreneurship? (Can be answered using traditional statistical software, with spatial variables created using GIS)
  • What is the spatial distribution of crime in a given city? (Can be answered with maps and descriptive spatial statistics)
  • How are business success and neighborhood characteristics related? (Can be answered with spatial statistics and models)

Early spatial analysis example: John Snow’s 1854 Cholera Map

What can we do with a GIS?

  • Data visualization – for example, exploratory analysis or cartography
  • Explore geographic coincidence – for example, how many new firms in a region
  • Calculate geometries – for example, length of road in an area, or the center of a polygon
  • Identification of spatial patterns – for example, clusters or hot spots
  • Finding spatial relationships – for example, measuring exposure, accessibility, or market areas
  • Calculating spatial variables – for example, distance or proximity
  • Estimating values or density – for example, interpolation

There are so many ways to think about space

Source: Clark, 2011

How a Geographic Information System (GIS) works

Organizing spatial data in a GIS


Organizing spatial data in a GIS

  • A GIS doesn’t save information as maps
    • Rather, the GIS stores information on object location and relation to other objects and in space
  • Things to be aware of:
    • Your spatial data model
    • The relationships your objects have with each other in the real world
      • e.g., street intersections or shared regional borders
      • Referred to as “topology”

Spatial data models

  • Most common are vector and raster

Spatial data models

  • Most common are vector and raster

Vector model

  • Features are stored as discrete points, lines or polygons
    • All are combinations of nodes and/or vertices
  • Locations are recorded as X,Y coordinates

Something special about the vector model: The attribute table

  • Each feature – point, line, or polygon – is dynamically linked to the “attribute table” or set of variables
    • For example, you could have a dataset of cities, represented as points, and the attribute table might contain characteristics of the city – population, median household income, etc.

Why we like the vector model (and we really do)

  • Features can be located precisely
  • We can store lots of information (variables or attributes) about each feature
  • Useful for many types of map-making
  • Perfect for types of analysis, such as areas, lengths, or connections
  • Used a lot in the social sciences

Raster model

  • Sub-divides a study area into square pixels – rows and columns
  • Only need the location of the upper left-hand corner and all other locations are implicit, assuming you know your pixel size
  • Only one value is recorded for each pixel
    • For example, temperature, precipitation, or land use type

Raster model

  • So long as the x, y location is georeferenced (placed on the surface of the earth), we can locate each other pixel, too

Why we like the raster model

  • Best for continuous data
  • Analysis can sometimes be faster
  • And some types of analysis require raster data
  • “Yes, raster is faster, but raster is vaster, and vector just seems more correcter.” – Dana Tomlin
  • Remember: pixel size (or resolution) matters!

A couple other examples

Source: Olivia Iles class project

Source: Sonya Gurwitt class project

Next up: Getting set up with QGIS